'Productivity is measured in writing a few lines of code per unit of time per developer.' New innovative techniques are available that can greatly improve this productivity. 

DATAFLEX is such an innovative technique. We only need 2 lines of code to provide functionality while our competitors (= the big IT suppliers) need more than 100. The efficiency is incorporated into the programming language DATAFLEX. The code is very structured so that any DATAFLEX developer can maintain any DATAFLEX application. The speed of development is of course not only determined by the number of lines. But we can confidently claim that we achieve results a factor of 10 faster then our competitors.

Complex Applications

It does not have to be the case that only large IT suppliers can devise and develop complex and large IT systems. The law of the largest does not apply in the IT world. It is the right of the smartest. Using modern techniques and sophisticated object classes, innovative software houses can easily match the productivity of the major IT suppliers. 

Efficiency, quality instead of quantity

How is this possible? The development language DATAFLEX is as efficient. This development language is optimized for building business applications. And before you say: we don't use new, unproven development languages. The DATAFLEX programming language has been around for almost 30 years. 'Backward compatible'. In other words, the applications written 30 years ago still run on the latest hardware! The latest version is DataFlex 23.0 (2023). A 64-bit unicode developmenr environment with its own IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and reporting tool build with - yes - DataFlex. Millions of applications have been developed worldwide.

Why is the DATAFLEX development environment so efficient? 

The creators of DATAFLEX have not only designed a development language, but also provide a framework with which developers can quickly and efficiently create business applications. This framework is a collection of rules. Rules, which determine where certain code must be in the application to work properly. The advantage: all DATAFLEX developers know what to do. And when confronted with code from other developers - without explanation - the code can be read and maintained. Worldwide....... 

Then why did you never heard of DATAFLEX? 

This is because DATAFLEX is a professional development environment. Many companies work with applications developed with DATAFLEX without being aware of it. Example: 70% of all notarial applications in the Netherlands are made with DATAFLEX.

It is up to you to take a different look at developing IT applications. Do you stick with the established order? Or do you let yourself be convinced that things REALLY can be done differently. Faster, more efficient, agile and with much less maintenance.