We have experiende with all versions of DATAFLEX. The character-mode procedural version from the 80ties and 90ties. The client-server windows application from 1995 till now. And the webapplications (desktop en mobile) from 2012.
Because of our extensive knowledge of the DATAFLEX development language we are capable existing systems - developed by others - to maintain. If the source-code is available.
The partnership consists of:
CTO: Ir. Roel Westhoff
Tradingname: iFour
Expertise: Webapplications (Desktop and Mobile)
Branches: Financial Services, Building-Industry, Production, Human-Resource, GDPR, Vitality, eHealth.
Specialties: Financial/Tech Investor, Startup studio, IOT, eHealth, Blockchain
CTO: Wim Schimmel
Expertise:Procedural Charactermode, Windows Client-server, Webapplications (Desktop en Mobile)
Branches: Bookkeeping, Maintenance, General Practioners, eHealth
Specialties: IOT
CTO: Frank Vandervelpen
Expertise:: Procedural charactermode, Windows Client-server, Webapplication (Desktop en Mobile)
Branches: Food logistics
Specialties:SAP integration